Connections for Seniors
Our Mission:
To establish programs and provide supportive services to older adults in order to ensure growth, health, and well-being.
Our Vision:
To empower seniors to overcome barriers to safe and affordable housing, and provide support services that help reduce risks to well-being and promote quality of life. We believe that all seniors have the right to feel safe, to feel healthy, and to make choices about their own lives.
Fundamental Support Services
Connections for Seniors is a non-profit organization located in St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador.
We provide emergency accommodations and services to adults 55 years of age and older.
Our goal is to promote dignity and self-efficacy while helping seniors navigate complex systems linked to health, housing, legal and financial matters that ultimately impact quality of life.
Our emergency accommodations and main office are located in a residential area. We provide individual rooms equipped with televisions. We have on-site laundry, as well as access to telephone and internet.
We offer acute, crisis-based counselling support as well as nursing services.
We provide transportation related to health and housing needs.
We pick up clients from their desired location within the St. John's Metro area with the hope that they will feel welcome and supported.

Emergency housing & support services
Connections for Seniors is in the business of changing lives.
The work we do is aimed at providing a holistic approach to
addressing barriers and challenges that are unique to older adults.
Through advocacy, outreach, and well-established community partnerships,
our team works tirelessly each day to support older adults in crisis, at-risk, or facing homelessness.
Connections for Seniors' message is one of hope and compassion.
We believe that a single action can make a tremendous
difference in the lives of individuals and in communities;
and that collective action can greatly impact the world.

"Aging is not 'lost youth' but a new stage of opportunity and strength."
- Betty Friedan

Contact Connections for Seniors to learn more about our work and how you can get involved or volunteer.
107 LeMarchant Rd
St. John's, NL
A1C 2H1